Friday, January 29, 2010

My first day in Melbourne

Ok, my first day exploring Oz... I started with a non-impressive breakfast (as usual for hostels) then went on a search for a phone and a non-instant coffee. While I didnt find a vodaphone, I did find a bagel and coffee shop. Where I ordered a 'tall black' or large americano. It was delightful :) Which reminds me that I had an amazing mocha at the airport from gloria jeans. Yay for a country that isn't screwing up my basic need of caffeine...oh I even saw a place that called themselves a 'caffeine distributor', Brillant! I might try that tomorrow. Since I couldn't find a phone place, I came back to the hostel to look it up online.

Found one and headed downtown. I walked by the Melbourne Museum which is next to the beautiful Royal Exhibition Building. I found my phone at the post office of all places...then again it was at this point that I learned my natural compass is still set to the northern hemisphere which meant when I felt like I needed to turn right I probably needed to turn left. I am just getting used to it, that and the fact I need to look the 'other' way before crossing the street. After getting some yummy lunch I figured that I could go check out the Aus Open grounds. So I enjoyed a jaunt through town (even found a Harry's Bar as every good town does) and found my way along batman expressway (seriously) to the grounds. It was definitely a great day to be outside :)

After deciding to not buy anything for today I took a walk through the kings and queens gardens enjoying all the beauty and then into the National Gallery of Victoria. The art that I saw was amazing, but I didnt have enough time to see it all. Then I went next door to the Arts Center where I took a self guided tour of all the art there, oh and there was a special exhibit for AC/DC as they are Melbourne boys :)

A BBQ later and I'm watching some tennis and relaxin for now :)


  1. Hey! This is great! We have been in all day, reading, wiiiing,cooking and eating.
    Sounds like things are going well!!
    We are jealous.
    Looking forward to talking to you tommorrow

  2. We looked for OZ tennis and we could watch at 3:30am Sunday morning. I hope it will be replayed. Reading Nelson Medela's "Long walk to Freedom. It got to 33 today so the snow and ice is meltingbut 18 tonight. No church tomorrow. Notnet either for Josh or Courtney.
